Dion Green assists Morgan Harper on Campaign Trail

Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, Morgan Harper, stops in to speak at Third Perk Coffee in Dayton as part of her Ohio Opportunity Guarantee Tour. The progressive candidate spoke about such issues as ending qualified immunity and the filibuster, as well as canceling student debt with a focus on retaining young graduates in Ohio.

Harper acknowledges that many persistent current issues in the United States are shared across party lines, however, Harper demonstrates a bigger want and willingness to work for and with her potential constituents than many of her counterparts. While attempting to maintain an open and honest dialogue, particularly pertaining to campaign money and where it comes from, Harper is trying to show voters that she is breaking the cycle of propagating what people want to hear for the sake of getting voted into office.

Community leaders who are following the campaign trail like Dion Green are supportive of Harper for the very reason that “she’s going to stand in front of us” by helping promote citizen safety from voting rights to gun safety legislation.

Click here to read the full article in the Ohio Capital Journal.